How can you perform at your optimum? How can you manage how you are perceived? How do you best develop others? How do you have difficult conversations? How do you notice and deal with your own self-defeating thoughts and behaviours? How do you build courage and confidence and think BIG? How do you win at work and at home?

Sometimes we’re not sure where we are heading or what we want in our career.

Sometimes we feel we have stalled, or reached a pivot point.

We can feel uncertain about how family and work combine or feel overwhelmed as we try to do it.

Sometimes we do know what we want but we don’t yet have the skillset or confidence to take the next step.

We can be aware of internal and external barriers that are present and active in our work-lives but not sure quite how it’s playing out or what we can do about it.

“It’s really the only time I stop and think entirely about me, what I want, and how to achieve it. It is alarming how much of my life I currently spend on autopilot. Coaching helps me to pull my goals out of the never-ending pool of stuff that is ongoing so I can focus on what is important.”


Coaching psychology is a process for enhancing well-being and performance in personal life and work domains underpinned by models of coaching grounded in established adult and child learning and psychological theories.

It is a form of leadership development that takes place through a series of contracted one-to-one conversations, tailored to your goals, using a structured coaching model to maximise focus and successful, relevant, actionable, and timely outcomes.

Kirsty is a highly experienced clinical and coaching psychologist, with particular expertise at the intersection of leadership and psychology, who has helped people for over 20 years, push the boundaries of what they thought was possible. Kirsty partners with you so that you can add ‘range’ and flexibility to your skillset, experiment with and find solutions, adaptably choose and apply what works best in any given situation, and make the changes that matter to you.