How to Have Both a Partner and Career Ambition

Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, in her HBR article “If You Can’t Find a Spouse Who Supports Your Career, Stay Single”, states that professionally ambitious women really only have two options when it comes to their personal partners – a super-supportive partner or no partner at all. Sadly, her conclusions are backed by research. Commonly, men can beContinueContinue reading “How to Have Both a Partner and Career Ambition”

Why Work? Why 50:50? … It’s Good For Your Kids

Often mornings before work are a pressure point, where the tensions between home and work are front and centre. On those morning when we rush to get ourselves presentable and our kids ready and delivered to childcare or school our best laid plans can get derailed; kids are sick, there are no clean socks, hairContinueContinue reading “Why Work? Why 50:50? … It’s Good For Your Kids”

Role Models for STEM Careers: Four Ideas to Inspire the Girls in Your Life

We all know that women are underrepresented in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and great efforts are being made to encourage girls to participate. The challenge is even greater when their well-meaning school doesn’t also take a critical eye to the issue of gender and unwittingly undermines said efforts. The other day myContinueContinue reading “Role Models for STEM Careers: Four Ideas to Inspire the Girls in Your Life”